It was really good seeing all my friends again. These conferences are really like family reunions - just without the fights ;).
Here I am talking to Joel Kallman and Marc Sewtz.

I also talked to Mike Hichwa about the one or the other new feature I would like to see in the product. Although now I do wonder what he might be thinking about my constant suggestions ;).

It looks like just one too many ;). (Thanks to Patrick for pointing this out).
It was so much fun hanging out with all of you again.
Hi Dietmar! Nice to see you made it back home safely. It was great spending time with you at ODTUG.
Honestly, I'm more amazed that you took the time to update your blog. I thought Google was getting ready to mark your account dormant.
Have a nice summer and we'll hopefully see you in October.
viele Grüße,
Hi Joel,
just as I promised in my presentations. It is embarrassing that even YOU update your blog more frequently than I do. So, here is the answer ;).
I surely hope to make it to OOW 2009. And this time with more time at my hands, for sure.
Viele Grüße,
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