I will be presenting two customer success stories at the ODTUG Kaleidoscope 2008 in New Orleans this year. This is about the work I have done for the German Telecom Shops (T-Punkt Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH). This presentation is not so much about the technical details but more about the business related stuff.
Why ist this application important for the customer? What were the greatest benefits? Why was APEX chosen as a technology. How did this technology perform compared to the usual suspects ;) ?
Thanks to Scott Spendolini, he invited me to give this presentation. Hope to finally meet him there.
And I do look forward to meet up again with all the APEX developers and enthusiasts around the world, like Joel Kallman, Patrick Wolf, Carl Backstrom, Dimitri Gielis, John Scott (this time spelled correctly ;), David Peake, ... and meet some new ones, too.
It will be real fun to come back to New Orleans. I have been there in 1996 for mardi gras, it was a pure blast !!! I wonder how things have changed since Katrina.
Hope to see you there,
Hi Dietmar,
I realize Scott is a splendid guy, but his name is really Scott Spendolini.
Hi Joel,
*ROFL*. That's a good one. I fixed that. Thanks.
Looking forward to seeing you there,
nice post, i found a site that has beginner screen casts on oracle xe/apex. OracleTube.com.
Hi Praveen,
yes, I like your site. I think this is a great medium to educate people. Hopefully the content you charge for is more sophisticated than the freebies :).
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