It is already a few days ago, but
Apex 3.0 has been released, on the 16th of March.
The quality is once again impressive, especially with regard to the upgrade from an existing 2.2.1 version. The whole process took only roughly 40 minutes, including the configuration. Very slick!
Here is a
list of the new features. Especially the new
PDF printing facility. Unfortunately, in order to use the interesting PDF capabilities like Report Queries to create more complex layouts, you would need a full license for the BI publisher. This is a bummer.
Using FOP or other open frameworks it seems like it will only be possible to use the data from the current region, but not from other items in session state.
I will try to cook something up using Jasper Reports, I have already built a secured gateway to calling a complex Jasper Report that runs in a Tomcat.
Perhaps I can make use of the XML that is generated by Apex. The first impression is good.
I will keep you posted.