How else could I possibly build my own website if not using Oracle Application Express and Oracle XE? I guess it has come out pretty well and it looks nice.
For now it is only in German, some English pages might follow in the future.
Here are some screenshots of my site:

I think it is sometimes necessary to showcase some really nice looking app in order to get a customer to "buy into" the underlying technology. In the end, this is all what the end-user "sees".
We (as developers) all know that Apex is "just" another framework with a rendering engine like so many others written in Java, C##, Perl, PHP, ... , you name it.
You can easily change the complete layout and/or integrate any 3rd party javascript library or other extension like all the other web frameworks out there. It is really versatile and extensible.
It is just that so many people *only* think of the standard sample application and the little tiny apps they do in the workshops. They think you are completely tied to this look and feel. But you aren't!
Hopefully, the look and feel of my site will make some people think differently about Apex!!!
I hope you like it :), comments are welcome!